XXXV ANNUAL DAY 2024-January 30 & January 31
The school celebrated its 35th Annual Day in all its grandeur on 30th(KG and Primary) and 31st of January 2024 (Secondary and Senior Secondary). It showcased student talents and memorable moments, emphasising happiness and achievements.
On 31st January , Shri Sandith Thandasherry , Founder CEO ,Navalt Solar and Electric Boats, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Smt. Mini Rajagopal , the Staff Secretary , extended a warm welcome to the invited guests. Smt Parvathy E , Principal, presented the Annual Report offering a comprehensive overview of the students' accomplishments. C A Venugopal C Govind, Chairman, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Kochi Kendra delivered the presidential address. Shri E Ramankutty, Director of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Kochi Kendra, set the stage with his opening remarks.Shri Prathap Kumar K K , Parent Representative Std XI added to the jubilation by offering felicitation. Teachers of Bhavan's Vidya Mandir , Eroor who have completed ten and twenty-five years of dedicated service in Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Kochi Kendra were honoured with awards as a gesture of love and appreciation. Kumari Krishnapriya P, the School Head Girl, shared her memories and thanked her teachers and everyone at the school for helping her grow. Wrapping up the proceedings, Master Abhinav S Pai , School Head Boy proposed the Vote of Thanks.
The students from the Secondary and Senior Secondary sections showcased their talents through a variety of entertaining programs, encompassing drama, dance, musical renditions, and instrumental music highlighting the diverse skills of the students.